Remember this guy. Weirdo? Pedophile? Who know but he certainly was a mask wearer. Anyway, i think it must be Michael Jackson day in Frankfurt….all sorts of weird looking creatures in masks roaming around the city. Watch out children.
So despite any evidence bars and restaurants have anything to do with all the false positive tests, with the spread of the flu (oh sorry the flu is dead, long live the flu) that stupid cow in Berlin is recommending that all bars and restaurants should close. The lives of Gastronomy workers DO NOT MATTER. As usual, the people at the lower end of the economic ladder will pay the price. Hopefully the cream puffs and main stream media parrots that have driven this pussy panic are next. A pox on all of you…I hope you all get Ricketts from staying inside quivering about a flu ( sorry the flu is dead, long live the flu) that Donald Trump rec0vered from in 4 days. I guess the old Donald is super human or something. I mean really… are you all scared of a flu (sorry the flu is dead, long live the flu) that Donald Trump got over in four days? Don’t you believe you have the physical fortitude to survive a flu that put a 74 year old orange man into bed for only 4 days before he recovered?
So, a once thriving business is almost done and 4 people will be made unemployed but that is fine…the creampuffs will be safe in their homes.